
Universal Flow Tracker
Mobile weed spraying tracker for flow rate, position and weed type.

Incubation system extends the usable study time of a brain slice by 300%

SafeTest Dial Indicator
High accuracy, remotely monitored dial indicator for heavy machinery components.

Dynamic Test Unit
Rock bolt performance test system for monitoring forces associated with simulated rock fall events.

Semi-autonomous mobile mixing and delivery of bulk explosives.

Dash Maintainer Breakout
Ruggedised data interconnection point for the BHP Dash Maintainer Tool.

3D rock fragmentation analysis system for mining drill and blast operations.

Single Shot
Airborne high-precision weed mapping system for commercial agriculture use.

Artificial intelligent system to assist train drivers in detecting hazards in the rail corridor.

Radio System
The world’s most advanced meshing radio system for emergency and defence services.

Monitoring System
All-in-one greasing and monitoring system for the mining industry.

Lumos 120MX / 100XT
Miniaturised high performance mobile LiDAR surveying system.

A Game of Drones
Interactive drone flying experience for Vivid Sydney